Tools and reference for developer

Welcome to Help2Code!. We are a website dedicated to providing tools and resources for people from all walks of life. Whether you're a programmer, a business professional, or simply someone looking for a convenient utility, we have something for you.

Our collection of encoders and decoders, utility, web tools can help you streamline your work and solve problems more efficiently. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for professionals to access the tools and resources they need to succeed in their work.

We are constantly updating our site with new features on a regular basis, so be sure to check back often to see what's new.

Finally, if you spot any errors or bugs on this website, have ideas for improvements, or have any comments, please send an email to Any feedback you provide will be useful for further improving this website.

Whats New

Password Generator

Generate random & secure passwords.

SMS Counter

Added text encoding preview.

Most Popular

URL Encoder Decoder

Encode information into Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) used for submission of HTML form data in HTTP requests or Decode URL into readable information.

Base64 Encoder Decoder

Encode string into Base64 encoding schemes or Decode Base64 string into readable information.

Generate QR-Codes

Generates QR-Codes using various standards and various error correction level from the standards L (Low 7%), M (Medium 15%), Q (Quartile 25%) and H (High 30%).

SMS Counter

Count how many characters used in a sms string, how many parts it will split into separate messages, and detect its encoding type.

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate lorem ipsum text with option how many words, sentences or paragraphs. You can also select to include HTML markup.

HTML Entities

Entities are used to implement reserved characters that cannot be entered with the keyboard.