HTML Entities - Math Symbol

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Math Symbol

SymbolDescription HTML EntityUnicodeMac shortcutWindows shortcut
[Left Square Bracket (opening)[U+005B⌥5Alt 0091
]Right Square Bracket (closing)]U+005D⌥6Alt 0093
{Left Curly Bracket (opening){U+007B⌥8Alt 0123
}Right Curly Bracket (closing)}U+007D⌥9Alt 0125
Left Angle Bracket (opening)⟨U+3008
Right Angle Bracket (closing)⟩U+3009
Similar To∼U+223C
Asymptotic To / Almost Equal To≈U+2248⌥X
Equivalent / Identical To≡U+2261
Not Equal To≠U+2260⌥0
Minus Sign−U+2212
±Plus-minus Sign±U+00B1⌥+Alt 0177
Radical Sign ("square Root")√U+221A⌥V
Dot Operator / Interpunct⋅U+22C5⇧⌥9
×Multiplication Sign / Times Sign×U+00D7Alt 0215
Asterisk Operator∗U+002A
÷Division Sign (obelus)÷U+00F7⇧⌥.Alt 0241
¼Fraction One Quarter¼U+00BCAlt 0188
½Fraction One Half½U+00BDAlt 0189
¾Fraction Three Quarters¾U+00BEAlt 1090
Proportional To∝U+221D
Infinity Sign∞U+221E⌥,
<Less Than&lt;U+003CAlt 0060
Less Than Or Equal To&le;U+2264⌥<
>Greater Than&gt;U+003EAlt 0062
Greater Than Or Equal To&ge;U+2265⇧⌥<
ƒMathematical Function F(x)&fnof;U+0192⌥FAlt 0131
Partial Differential&part;U+2202⌥D
Perpendicular To / Orthogonal To&perp;U+22A5
°Degree Sign&deg;U+00B0⇧⌥ÜAlt 0176
Direct Sum&oplus;U+2295
Tensor Product&otimes;U+2297
Nabla / Differential Operator&nabla;U+2207
Dot Operator / Scalar Product&sdot;U+22C5⇧⌥9
×Cross Product&times;U+00D7Alt 0215
And (logical Conjunction)&and;U+2227
Or (logical Disjunction)&or;U+2228
¬Not Sign (negation)&not;U+00ACAlt 0172
Element Of&isin;U+2208
Not An Element Of&notin;U+2209
Contains As Member&ni;U+220B
For All&forall;U+2200
Empty Set / Diameter&empty;U+2205
Intersection / Cap&cap;U+2229
Union / Cup&cup;U+222A
Superset Of&sup;U+2283
Superset Of Or Equal To&supe;U+2287
Subset Of&sub;U+2282
Subset Of Or Equal To&sube;U+2286
Not A Subset Of&nsub;U+2284
Material Conditional (implication) Rightwards Arrow&rarr;U+2192